The second International Student Scientific Conference was held at the Faculty of Law and Diplomacy - “The Challenges of Holocaust, Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and Human Rights Protection”

    An international scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was held at the Faculty of Law and Diplomacy on December 13 and 14, with the participation of students from 11 universities of 8 countries.


    The conference was opened by Ana Samakashvili, LL.M of the Faculty of Law and Diplomacy, she underlined the importance of the conference. Afterwards she gave floor to the Rector of Sukhumi State University(SSU), Professor Zurab Khonelidze.The rector greeted the students, he emphasized the importance of the articles prepared by Georgian and foreign students on the issues of Holocaust,  punishment of the crime of Genocide and human rights protection in the conference held under the auspices of the Faculty of Law and Diplomacy of SSU and wished success to the conference participants.


    Dean of the faculty of law and diplomacy, professor Vepkhvia Gvaramia also greeted the participants. He underlined the active involvement of faculty students in international projects and the importance of the international conference.The dean noted that SSU is refugee in its own homeland, which is caused by genocide and human rights violations, therefore it is symbolic to hold this conference at our university. At the end of the greeting, he wished the students success.


    The conference was planned in March 2023. The organizing group, among with professors and students of the Faculty of Law and Diplomacy, was recruited with students of the University of Ljubljana and Tokyo.With the active involvement of the organizing group, the conference program and annotations were prepared, in which the main provisions were given.


    The conference was held in hybrid mode, in English. During two days, work was carried out in three sections:


1. Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

2. Protection of human rights in international law and state legislation

3. Aspects of Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Protection


    These sections were moderated by  Ana Samakashvili, LL.M and Mariam Bregvadze, student of master program of Diplomacy and International Politics.


    Interesting speeches were given during the conference and they were discussed after each section. Opinions and modern views were expressed regarding the problematic issues in judicial practice and scientific doctrine.


    The faculty plans to publish articles with scientific values. Certificates will be give to active participants of the conference.

    Foreign students expressed their gratitude towards the rector, dean and other organizers of the conference and desire to participate at the conferences planned by the faculty regarding the legal problems.